Summer Recipes

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Hot weather destroys the appetite and aggravates the fire element or pitta dosha. Eating bitter, sweet, and astringent tastes can help you keep cool and hydrated. Avoid alcohol, and other ferments. Here is a sample summer recipe of 4 servings of raw zucchini noodles and basil/ avocado sauce:

Wash a couple of zucchinis. With a julienne cutter or spiralizer, slice the zucchinis length-wise to create about 4 cups worth of noodles or "zoodles." Blend (until smooth) two whole avocados, 1tbsp. basil, 1 tbsp. parsley, juice of 1/2 lime, 3/4 cup water, and 1/4 tsp salt. Combine noodles with sauce and toss. Garnish with fresh black pepper, fresh parsley and coconut flakes. Enjoy!

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