Optimal Weight Week 3

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Usher in a new relationship with yourself as you embark on this 9-week seasonal journey. We are starting with the first pillar of health: nourishment. Do examine your motivation as you proceed with awareness and self-compassion. Remember to write an intention for your week and visualize your progress before affirming it.

Spring is the ideal season to begin a detox. Try juicing and fasting toward this goal. Here are some tips on engaging Ayurvedic principles while juicing:

  • Juice a simple mix of seasonal vegetables (eg. carrot, beet, celery, with a dash of orange/ lemon/ ginger for flavor).
  • Add a juice masala to aid digestion (eg. blend of black salt, black pepper, cumin, black cumin, nutmeg, mace, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom).
  • Limit portion size to 6 oz.
  • Use a 2-step hydraulic juicer, a double helical screw type, or a slow speed single augur type. Avoid high-speed centrifugal.
  • Best consumed on an empty stomach, in lieu of breakfast. Can be followed (after 1/2 hr.) with soaked nuts and seeds.
  • You may juice greens if you are not at risk of an endocrine hormone imbalance (especially thyroid).

Ayurveda suggests that fasting has great health benefits. Studies have found that fasting lowers the levels of cholesterol and boosts the immune system. It reduces cardiovascular risk factors, weight, body mass index (BMI), and visceral fat.

Consider religious fasting as a time of spiritual growth and enhanced mental well-being. Or, try intermittent / weekly astrological fasting. You can learn more through this series of podcasts, 'Eat with the Sun and Fast with the Moon', produced by Omni Wellness in the pandemic year 2020.

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